This was the original and very first logo we ever used. It can be seen on numerous flyers especially around the 1991 era. (See the "GIGS" section.)

This was the 2nd logo we ever had. It was originally designed for use on the AVE Demo cover, but was "adopted" as the official logo shortly after the release of the AVE Demo.
This logo was designed by a friend of the band "Cathie", who later became a tattoo artist, working for the best tattoo artist in South Africa: Kevin Brown.
Kevin's Kustom Tattoo originally had one branch in Durban, and later expanded to Johannesburg.


This was the logo that eventually became the "official" Raven Wolf logo that was to last from it's creation until present day.

There were a few variations of this logo, in horizontal format as well as with a snake entwined amonst the letters.

This is the variation used for artwork that was based on a white background.


This is the horizontal variation of this logo. Designed for use on a white background.

This one is with the snake, also designed for a white background.


Similar to above. Kerning slighty different. Designed for black background. As used on this web site...

See upper left corner.

A template design for use with flyers.


This is a logo that was designed, but sadly never got used in any official capacity.

Although I think it's quite a neat logo.



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